first initial last name at
Assistant Superintendent of Student Services
1-781-596-8800 x4383
Fax 1-781-598-4379
Monday-Friday 8:00 until 3:00

Student Services

Welcome to the Student Services website. The department is located in Room 104 in the Swampscott Middle School at 207 Forest Ave. Our partnership with parents/guardians, staff and community members is critical in delivering educational and support services for the students of Swampscott.

The department includes Special Education, 504, Counseling and Health Services, Civil Rights, Student Support Teams and the Crisis Management Team. Professional development, general education interventions, grant management and the development of programs that promote respect for human differences and global understanding are also functions of this department.

We offer high-quality educational programs and comprehensive student support for students in pre-school through transition programming. We are committed to evidence-based practices and keeping abreast of the current developments in special education.

Student Services provides services to those students who meet eligibility criteria under Massachusetts State Law M.G.L. c.71B (Children with Special Needs), Federal Law, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and the Americans with Disability Act (ADA).

Student Services Staff

Phone Number
Associate Director of Special Education
781-596-8800 x4378
Administrative Assistant-Special Education
781-596-8800 x4381
Director of Integrated Preschool
781-596-8800 x4385
Elementary Team Chair
781-596-8800 x4375
Middle School Team Chair
781-596-8800 x4379
High School Team Chair
781 596-8830
504 Information
Please contact the Building Principal at SES, SMS, or SHS